FNF Archives
Welcome to the FNF Archives! Here you'll find everything related to Friday Night Funkin'.
The Ludum Dare Build (Oct 2020)
The Initial Newgrounds/Itch.io Release (0.2.0) (Nov 2020)
The Week 3 Update (0.2.4) (Dec 2020)
The Week 4 Update (0.2.5) (Dec 2020)
The Week 5 Update (0.2.6) (Jan 2021)
The Week 6 Update (0.2.7) (Feb 2021)
The Week 7 Update (0.2.8) (Apr 2021)
The Week 8/Weekend 1 Leak (0.2.9) (Sep 2021)
The Weekend 1 Update (0.3.0) (Apr 2024)
The Weekend 1 Update(bugfix) (0.3.2) (May 2024)
The Pitstop Update (0.4.0) (Jun 2024)